What is 360-HELP
Health Education & Learning Protocols
360-HELP is that Vertical of 360 Diagnostic & Health Services Pvt Ltd which Conducts Trainings
- Quality Trainings
- Conduct short certificate trainings on Healthcare Quality for Diagnostic Centres, Blood Banks & Hospitals
- Implement Quality protocols and preparing the Diagnostic Centres, Blood banks & Hospitals for NABL/NABH
- Post-accreditation Quality control & audits
Skill Enhancement Trainings
Healthcare manpower
Credentials of 360-HELP
- 1st -Private organization to conduct QCI certified trainings on Quality in Healthcare
- PAN India- Conducted trainings in 30 cities, 99 batches, 25 Medical Colleges
- Largest Training Company- Trained 2000 Pathologists and Lab Managers
- Faculty- of 25 senior doctors across India
- Nominated for D.L.Shah award in 2016
Process at 360-HELP
- Centrally coordinated from Noida
- Online registration of candidates
- Team to manage candidate follow ups and logistics
- Data mangement through CRM Customer Relationship management Software
- Accredited by NBQP
- Approved by QCI
- Accepted by NABL
Popular Trainings at 360-HELP
Conducts short trainings on Healthcare Quality
4 days training on Quality Management Systems and Internal Audit in Medical Labs as per ISO 15189 : 2012 (Accredited by NBQP)

Mandatory for NBQP accreditation
Training Programme on Advanced Quality concepts & Application of Six sigma & Lean in Clinical Laboratories
One day training on IQC & EQAS
3 Days training on NABH Standards for Hospitals
2 Days training on NABH standard for Blood Banks
1 Day training on Quality Assurance

1. ISO 15189-2012 – 4 Days
The course is designed for laboratory personnel involved in the management and establishment of laboratory quality systems, and internal audit program as required by NABL International Standard ISO 15189.
Who should attend
- Pathologists
- Microbiologist
- Biochemists
- Lab Managers
- Lab Technicians
- Quality Managers and Technical managers
- Lab Directors
- Any employee associated with medical labs
- As certified internal auditor as per ISO 15189, you can implement the process of NABL accreditation in a medical laboratory.
- Complete knowledge of quality systems in a medical lab
- Improvement in your CV
- Better Job prospects
On completion, participants will be able to:
- Establish quality system documentation as required in NABL Criteria.
- Schedule, plan, conduct, report on lab internal audits (including the documentation required)
- Identify effective auditing techniques
- Prepare quality manual, SOP, mandatory procedures in a lab as per the standard
- Develop and implement a quality system, compatible with IS/ISO 15189
Course Contents:
1st day
- Basic Quality Concepts
- National/ International relevance of Accreditation
- Management Clauses as per 15189-2012
2nd day
- Revision and exercise 1
- Technical Clauses as per 15189-2012
- Exercise 2 and writing QSP
3rd day
- Revision and discussion on SOP writing
- Documentation- Structuring & Developing Quality Manual/ Procedures
- Internal Audit–Understanding Types, Stages, Phases of Conducting Audits
4th day
- Accreditation Process detail
- Q&A
- Valedictory
- Lectures
- Highly interactive sessions
- Group exercise & case studies
2. ISO 15189-2012 update – 2 Days
This interactive and practical foundation course is designed to provide delegates with an understanding of the requirements of ISO 15189:2012.
ISO 15189:2012 ‘Medical Laboratories – Particular requirements for quality and competence’ specifies quality system requirements applicable to medical laboratories. These requirements cover arrangements for requisition, patient preparation, identification, collection of samples, transportation, storage, processing and examination of clinical samples, together with subsequent validation, interpretation, reporting and advice, in addition to considerations relating to safety and ethics in medical laboratory work. This interactive and practical foundation course is designed to provide delegates with an understanding of the requirements of ISO 15189: 2012 with specific emphasis to those specified in the Clinical Laboratory Accreditation document ‘Standards for the Medical Laboratory’ Nov 2010
Course Objectives
This short course will acquaint delegates with the requirements of ISO 15189 and highlight the additional requirements to be met over and above the current (2010) CPA requirements.
Key Skills / Learning Objectives
Through the combination of interactive tutorials and workshops, our course will enable the delegates to:
- Interpret the basic requirements of ISO 15189 and its inter-relationship between ISO 9001/CPA and ISO/IEC 17025 management system standards.
- Identify the key requirements and actions that would be required to meet ISO 15189 requirements over and above those currently specified by CPA.
Practical workshops are designed to reinforce the discussions and topics. This style of delivery makes the course both memorable and enjoyable for participants, ensuring long-term learning.
ISO 15189 Course Outline
- Quality and Quality Management concepts
- Commonly used quality management system standards
- Overview and requirements of ISO 15189
- Additional requirements of ISO 15189 over CPA (2010)
- Differences between ISO 15189:2012 and 2007 editions
- Structure of Quality System Documentation
- Sources of information and further development
Who Should Attend?
- Laboratory Quality/Technical Managers
- Laboratory Technicians/Supervisors
- Assessors of Laboratory Management Systems
- Personnel responsible for procurement and evaluation of Laboratory Services
- Users of clinical test services
Booking And ISO 15189 Course Fees
Fees include:
- Delegate workbook, including reference information
- Training provided by qualified and experienced tutors with extensive practical management auditing experience across a variety of manufacture and service industries
- Lunch and refreshments during the day
- Certificate verifying attendance and completion of course
- Lunch and refreshments during the day
Variable discounts available if 2 or more delegates are booked on the same course
Please complete the booking form and return together with the relevant fee.
3. NABH for Hospitals – 3 Days
Quality Management system & Implementation of NABH standards
Who should attend:
- Pathologists
- Hospital owners
- Senior and middle level Doctors & Nurses
- Hospital administrators
- Quality manager and executives
Learning Objectives:
- Introduction of NABH standards
- The Basic requirements of NABH for
- – Infrastructure
- – Human resource
- – Documentation and paperwork
- – How to overcome barriers in implementation of NABH standards.
- Highly qualified and experienced speakers
- Use of audio-visuals tools
- Participants participation
- Role plays
- Lunch and tea
- Hand-outs on basic requirements
- Lectures
- Highly interactive sessions
- Group exercise & case studies
4. Safety and Quality in blood banks – NABH guidelines – 2 Days
Who should attend:
- Pathologists,
- Blood Trans fusionists
- Blood bank technicians
- Quality Managers and Technical managers
- Any employee associated with blood banks
- complete knowledge of quality management in blood banks
- Can implement QMS in Blood banks
- Improvement in your CV
- Better Job prospects
On completion, participants will be able to:
- Establish quality system documentation as required in NABH Criteria.
- Schedule, plan, conduct, report on lab internal audits (including the documentation required)
- Identify effective auditing techniques
- Prepare quality manual, SOP, mandatory procedures in a lab as per the standard
- Develop and implement a quality system, compatible with NABH standards
Course Contents:
- Basic Quality Concepts
- National/ International relevance of Accreditation
- Understanding Standard requirements
- Documentation- Structuring&Developing Quality Manual/Procedures
- Internal Audit–Understanding Types, Phases of Conducting Audits
- Accreditation Process detail
- Lectures
- Highly interactive sessions
- Group exercise & case studies
5. QA and QC training — 1 Day
Quality Assurance and Quality Controls
Who should attend:
- Pathologists
- Microbiologist
- Biochemists
- Lab Managers
- Lab Technicians
- Quality Managers and Technical managers
- Lab Directors
- Any employee associated with medical labs
- You can implement the process of Quality Assurance, Internal QC and External QC.
- Complete knowledge of quality systems in a medical lab
- Handling problematic situations
- Focusing on giving accurate results
The course is designed for laboratory personnel involved in the management and establishment of QC and QA in a clinical lab.
On completion, participants will be able to
- Establish quality system documentation as required in NABL Criteria.
- Schedule, plan, conduct, report on QC (including the documentation required).
- Identify effective techniques to solve day to day problems.
- details of westgaurd rules and LJ charts.
- Handle EQAS.
Course Contents:
- Basic Quality Concepts
- National/ International relevance of QC
- Understanding standard requirements to run QC.
- Documentation: Structure and design of QC data.
- How to attain QC Goals.
- LJ Charts and CV %ages
- Lectures
- Highly interactive sessions
- Group exercise & case studies
You are requested to nominate your Laboratory Personnel/Internal Auditors/ Quality Managers/ Technical Managers / Technicians for the above program.
Each Training Programme is designed for 35 participants; therefore seats would be available on first cum first serve basis.
6. Communication Skills in Healthcare -1 Day
Communication Skills in Healthcare
As the health care environment continues to evolve, we’re seeing the role of heath industry changing and expanding for a number of reasons. In addition to patient expectations and growing awareness; nurses, doctors, technicians are operating in a rapidly evolving world. Health care facilities are pressured to maintain global standards, while increasing their patient outcomes and satisfaction levels.
In order to build a niche in the competitive healthcare sector, it has become extremely important to have an edge by giving patients an outstanding healthcare experience. This is possible only if:
- The health care professionals possess the skills to coordinate care.
- They are able to communicate clearly with patients
- They are able to advocate for them more effectively
It can help in ways such as reducing patients’ length of stay and unnecessary readmissions, as well as improving patient satisfaction. Today patients’ perceptions of the quality of the healthcare they receive are highly dependent on the quality of their interactions with their healthcare clinician and team.
The challenge in this area is to continue developing and fostering professional and interpersonal— or “soft” skills— among all those associated with providing high quality healthcare. The value of these skills is recognized in the field and supported by research. However, the educational time to hone skills such as communication and leadership are often sacrificed in the interest of other essential clinical skills the health professionals need to learn to be effective caregivers.
Need for Soft Skills in Healthcare
An important element to implement medical professionalism is commitment to professional competence. Healthcare professionals are committed to lifelong learning and are responsible for maintaining medical knowledge, clinical and interpersonal skills, professional attitude and teamwork necessary for the provision of quality care. This contributes to the development of what has come to be called as “soft skills” or “personality development skills”.
Soft skills or personality development skills are continuous efforts by individuals to rank up to expectations in a competitive world. If we want to create mindsets for surviving the 21st century, it needs to be a lifelong learning. This process does not begin and end with medical studies. Our medical institutions need to prepare the budding medical professionals to treat a patient and manage processes effectively
Disciplinary capability: knowledge and skills for academic disciplines |
Professional capability: ability and understanding required for effective performance in profession |
Personal capability: dynamic personality qualities |
With the newer philosophy of holistic medicine growing popular, more emphasis is on treating the whole patient and not just the individual body parts i.e. a transition from the disease-centric to a patient-centric approach. This would cultivate a better doctor-patient relationship – “a partnership for better patient care”. A medical practitioner encounters all types of patients having various characteristics. They can be courageous, angry, anxious, demanding, non-compliant, and terminally ill and so on. Hence, the healthcare professionals require a certain degree of finesse to handle them. Development of soft skills could be categorised as a complex interplay between being and becoming.
Today, a healthcare professional requires the mastery of a complex body of knowledge, patient service skills and the art and humanism of medicine. Reasons being:
- Managing people is a key requirement to progress effectively as a practicing clinician or for working in a healthcare sector.
- Developing doctor-patient relationship based on trust.
- Administration of the healthcare centres like hospitals, clinics and nursing homes.
- Developing effective management and communication skills.
- Handling difficult situations and people.
- Using team members as per their strengths.
- Handling medico-legal issues effectively.
A healthcare professional with excellent soft skills becomes a role model to the future generation of medical professionals. Though it is important to be clinically and academically competent, at the same time it is important to resolve some key issues at work, be more socially competent and acceptable, and manage the teams more efficiently it imperative to hone the soft skills and develop a well rounded personality.
Based on the needs and progression of the group, our Training Methodology is a combination of all or some of the techniques like Role-plays, Brain Storming, Behaviour Modeling, Panel Discussion, Fishbowl, Group Exercises, Slide Presentations, Coaching/Mentoring, In-Basket Exercise, Behaviour Simulation, etc.
Program Contents
- Communication Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Conflict Resolution
- Team Building
- Dealing with Criticism
- Social Etiquettes
- Time Management
- Stress Management
- Decision Making Skills
- Motivation/ Attitude
- Self Awareness
- Self Confidence
Benefits of the Program
There is a wealth of research data that supports the benefits of effective communication and interpersonal skills for patients and healthcare teams. Ultimately, the interplay between the skills is what produces powerful behavioral outcomes. The program will help in health care professionals to grow confidence, expand their comfort zones, gain increased motivation, and conflict resolution and critical thinking skills. With practice, honest feedback, and encouragement, these skills can be developed far beyond what is just inherited or natural to the person. The positive and driven disposition can greatly improve the connection a healthcare professional should have with his immediate environment.